Port Noarlunga Divers Access Staircase

Port Noarlunga Divers Access Staircase - NatureTREAD™

Port Noarlunga is one of the most popular diving sites in South Australia. The jetty’s diving access stairs had been destroyed in a storm event and needed to be replaced. Plans for the new staircase included designs that allowed ease of entry for divers, increased number of access points and platforms for walk on/off instead of ladders.

Installation needed to be done over consecutive days of good weather to ensure accuracy. The stair access would also provide safety for the public.

Project Challenges

  • Corrosive marine environment.
  • Difficulty in setting up and laying of structure as it was highly dependent on weather and tidal conditions.
  • Construction in a high public traffic location.

Project Information

Project Category: Recreational Public Infrastructure
Scope of Work: Design, Engineer and supply GratEX® Stair Treads with StormChief ® Wave Action Fastening System and NatureTREAD™ Handrail System
Treadwell Products :

  • ACCESS SYSTEMS GratEX® FRP Stair Treads and Landings
  • EX-Series® StormChief® Wave Action Fastening System
  • NatureTREAD™ Balustrading System

Total Value: $ 35,000
